Faculty of Humanities
In brief
The Faculty of Humanities offers over 40 Master's programmes.
Structure of the Master
- You choose an in-depth study program (90 ECTS credits)
- and then, if required or desired:
- 1 specialization program (30 ECTS credits), attached to the same field,
- or 1 secondary study program (30 ECTS credits), attached to another field.
Programm 2024
During the Masterdays you have the following options:
- Attend an on-site or online information session;
- Attend on-site or online learning classes;
- Take part in a social event (aperitif, meeting, etc.).
You will find below the schedule of the different events in English.
The information is structured by field of study and then by type of Master's degree.
Languages and Literatures / Multilingualism
Classics / Greek studies / Latin studies
Information session
Tuesday 05.03.2024, 17:00 - 18:30
Tuesday 05.03.2024 from 18:30
It is not possible to attend courses.
Comparative literature
Information session
Tuesday 05.03.2024, 11:00 - 12:00
Link MS Teams (Meeting ID: 364 899 583 374 / Passcode: nX7z9R)
For more information
Special education / Psychology / Educational sciences
Information sessions
Tuesday 05.03.2024, 13:00 - 17:30
The afternoon starts with an overall introduction of the master programme followed by the presentation of the each option. Each session starts with a presentation and is followed by questions. These sessions are also held on MS Teams (they are not recorded).
You can find the rooms and the links to each session on the moodle course.
History / Art history / Musicology
Musicology and history of opera
There is no general information session.
Individual information can be obtained from Mrs D. Vincent.
For more information
Social and political sciences
Culture, politics and religion in pluralist societies
Information session
Tuesday 05.03.2024, 12:15 - 13:00
Wednesdays 06.03.2024, 12:15 - 13:00
Digital society
It is not possible to attend courses.
Fore more information
Eastern European studies
Information session
Tuesday 05.03.2024, 18:15 - 18:30
Podiumsdiskussion "Osteuropa als Beruf" / Podium «L’Europe orientale comme profession»
Tuesday 05.03.2024 since 18:30
European studies
Information session
Wednesday 06.03.2024, 12:00
Link MS Teams (Meeting ID: 359 246 189 744 / Passcode: yYxR8q)
It is not possible to attend courses.
Islam and Society
Information session
Tuesday 05.03.2024, 15:00 - 16:00
Please contact federico.biasca@unifr.ch to receive the MS Teams link.
Please register with federico.biasca@unifr.ch
For more information
Politics and society
There is no general information session.
Individual information can be obtained from Mrs P. Dummermuth.
It is not possible to attend courses.
For more information