Program overview

The summer school starts with a symposium (10-11 July 2023), entitled “Genome duplication at the intersection of biodiversity and crop sciences”. Through invited lectures (Prof. Y. van de Peer, Prof. K. Bomblies, Dr B. Chalhoub and Prof. C. Parisod) and contributed talks, it will Illustrating the current state of the field. This two-days symposium is open to researchers not further participating to activities of the summer school with reduced fees.

The practical training of the summer school (12-20 July 2023) consists of the three additional modules mixing theoretical sessions and hands-on work. Open to selected participants, it will operate main tasks necessary in polyploid research using datasets to be provided by lecturers. Participants have the opportunity to analyze their own data.

  • In a first module, entitled “From samples to data”, participants will learn to build hypothesis-driven sampling and experimental designs, practice the collection of relevant material in the field, measure the genome size and ploidy level of collected material through flow cytometry and learn about downstream molecular treatments of samples towards sequencing.
  • In a second module entitled “Polyploid genomes”, participants will learn how to assemble and annotate polyploid genomes, practice computational approaches to identify signatures of whole genome duplication, characterize subgenomes and their history, analyze the expression of genes from these subgenomes and interpret processes having shaped duplicated loci.
  • In a third module entitled “Polyploid populations”, participants will learn how to assess variation from nucleotide to chromosomal rearrangements among samples in mixed-ploid systems, practice computational approaches to identify footprints of demographic events and signature of selection and to interpret processes having shaped variation in auto- and allo-polyploid systems.