Food & Drinks in Fribourg

To find out more about the places listed, click on the name to be redirected to their website and on the map icon to open Google Maps and guide you to your destination.


There are many pizzerias in Fribourg. Here are a few close to the conference venue that we recommend.


Fribourg is also famous for its burgers. So a stopover at one of these restaurants is, shall we say, not to be missed.


Fribourg has quite a history with beers. These addresses will not only allow you to discover the wealth of local craft beers but also to discover some excellent cuisine.

Cheese specialties

Of course, don't miss the cheese specialities, including the famous fondue: fondue moitié-moitié, fondue vacherin, fondue au chèvre, etc. There's no shortage of choice!

Asian food

Fribourg boasts a wide range of high-quality Asian cuisine, with restaurants specialising in Thai, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese cuisine.

Where to get a drink

Just feel like sitting down and sharing a good time over a drink? Fribourg offers not only a wide choice of beers, wines and soft drinks but also a relaxing atmosphere and refreshing scenery.

  • Belvédère (wide choice of beers and syrups - not to be missed for its beautiful terrace overlooking the old town of Fribourg, also known as "la Basse-Ville") – 
  • TM Café (wide choice of wines and cocktails) – 
  • Les Trentenaires (a brewery-restaurant with a very, very wide choice of beers) – 
  • Café de l'Ancienne Gare (wide choice of beers - next to the train station) –