Practical Information

Travel by Train

There are good connections to Fribourg from many places in France, Germany, Austria and Italy. There are also night train connections to Zurich from many cities in Europe like Amsterdam, Vienna, Prague and Budapest. Information can be found at the website of the Swiss Railway. You can also buy tickets there, but it might be cheaper to buy tickets from your local railway company.

Travel by Plane

We recommend to fly to Zurich or Geneva airport. Both airports are well connected to many destinations in Europe and worldwide. Both at “Zürich Flughafen” and “Genève-Aéroport” there are direct trains to Fribourg, which run every 30 minutes and take up to 1h45 minutes. More information on train connections can be found here. You can buy train tickets either online or at the train station.

Getting around in Fribourg

Fribourg is a small town and many places are in walking distance. The university is also easy to reach by bus.

For the weather in Fribourg click here.


Fribourg has a limited number of hotels. We recommend participants to book their room as soon as possible. For the following hotels we made room reservations. You can book these rooms mentioning the code “WG2023”. Please contact the hotels via e-mail or call them to make use of this possibility. The number of reserved rooms is limited and the rooms will only be reserved until beginning of May.

HotelPrice (simple/double)
Hôtel Hine Adon (website, CHF/160 CHF
Le Sauvage (website, CHF/230 CHF
L’Acacia (website,
Hôtel de la Rose (website, CHF/220 CHF

Below you find a list of other hotels. Most of these hotels can be found on There is also a small number of rooms and apartments available on Airbnb. All hotels below including the hotels around Fribourg are easy to reach by public transport and the distance to the conference location is at most 30 minutes by public transport.

Hotels around Fribourg