49th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science
49th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science
WG conferences aim to connect theory and applications by demonstrating how graph-theoretic concepts can be applied in various areas of computer science. The goal is to present recent results and to identify and explore directions for future research. The 49th edition is organised by the University of Fribourg, Switzerland and will be held on June 28-30, 2023.
WG 2024 will take place in Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia. More information can be found here.

The proceedings of WG 2023 can be found here.
Aims and Scopes
WG is mainly concerned with efficient algorithms of various types (e.g. sequential, parallel, distributed, randomized, parameterized) for problems on graphs and networks. The goal is to present recent results and to identify and explore directions for future research. Submitted papers should describe original results in any aspects of graph theory related to computer science, including but not restricted to:
- design and analysis of sequential, parallel, randomized, parameterized algorithms
- distributed graph and network algorithms
- structural graph theory with algorithmic or complexity applications
- computational complexity of graph and network problems
- graph grammars, graph rewriting systems and graph modeling
- graph drawing and layouts
- computational geometry
- computational biology
- graph mining
- random graphs and models of the web and scale-free networks
- support of the above concepts by suitable implementations and applications.
Call for Papers
The call for papers can be found here.
Important Dates
- Abstract submission deadline: February 13, 2023 AoE
- Paper submission deadline: February 20, 2023 AoE
- Notification of paper acceptance: April 26, 2023
- Symposium: June 28-30, 2023
- Final versions due: July 21, 2023
Invited Speakers
- Flavia Bonomo, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Title: Generalized list matrix partition problems on chordal graphs, parameterized by leafage, Abstract - Eunjung Kim, LAMSADE, Paris-Dauphine University, France.
Title: Twin-width, graph classes and a bit of logic, Abstract - Nicolas Trotignon, CNRS, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France.
Title: Triangle-free graphs of large chromatic number, Abstract
WG Test of Time Award
The third WG Test of Time Award, given for a highly influential paper presented at a previous WG conference, has been given to Alistair Sinclair and Mark Jerrum for their paper “Approximate Counting, Uniform Generation and Rapidly Mixing Markov Chains” from WG 1987. The WG Test of Time Award lecture will be given by:
Mark Jerrum, Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom
Title: 35 years of counting, sampling and mixing, Abstract
Best Paper and Best Student Paper
The WG 2023 Best Paper award has been given to Paul Jungeblut, Samuel Schneider and Torsten Ueckerdt for their paper “Cops and Robber – When Capturing is not Surrounding” and the WG 2023 Best Student Paper Award has been given to Falko Hegerfeld and Stefan Kratsch for their paper “Tight Algorithms for Connectivity Problems Parameterized by Modular-Treewidth”. Both awards are sponsored by Springer.

We thank our sponsors for their support

Previous Editions
48th WG in Tübingen, Germany (2022) LNCS vol. 13453
47th WG in Warsaw, Poland, online (2021) LNCS vol. 12911
46th WG in Leeds, United Kingdom (2020) LNCS vol. 12301
45th WG in Vall de Núria, Catalonia, Spain (2019) LNCS vol. 11789
44th WG in Lübbenau, Germany (2018) LNCS vol. 11159
43th WG in Eindhoven, The Netherlands (2017) LNCS vol. 10520
42th WG in Istanbul, Turkey (2016) LNCS vol. 9941
41th WG in Garching, Germany (2015) LNCS vol. 9224
40th WG in Nouan-le-Fuzelier, France (2014) LNCS vol. 8747
39th WG in Lübeck, Germany (2013) LNCS vol. 8165
38th WG in Jerusalem, Israel (2012) LNCS vol. 7551
37th WG in Teplá Monastery, West Bohemia, Czech Republic (2011) LNCS vol. 6986
36th WG in Zaros, Crete, Greece (2010) LNCS vol. 6410
35th WG in Montpellier, France (2009) LNCS vol. 5911
34th WG in Durham, U.K. (2008) LNCS vol. 5344
33rd WG in Dornburg, Germany (2007) LNCS vol. 4769
32nd WG in Bergen, Norway (2006) LNCS vol. 4271
31st WG in Metz, France (2005) LNCS vol. 3787
30th WG in Bonn, Germany (2004) LNCS vol. 3353
29th WG in Elspeet, the Netherlands (2003) LNCS vol. 2880
28th WG in Český Krumlov, Czech Republic (2002) LNCS vol. 2573
27th WG in Boltenhagen near Rostock, Germany (2001) LNCS vol. 2204
26th WG in Konstanz, Germany (2000) LNCS vol. 1928
25th WG in Ascona, Switzerland (1999) LNCS vol. 1665
24th WG in Smolenice, Slovak Republic (1998) LNCS vol. 1517
23rd WG in Berlin, Germany (1997) LNCS vol. 1335
22nd WG in Como, Italy (1996) LNCS vol. 1197
21st WG in Aachen, Germany (1995) LNCS vol. 1017
20th WG in Herrsching, Germany (1994) LNCS vol. 903
19th WG in Utrecht, The Netherlands (1993) LNCS vol. 790
18th WG in Wiesbaden-Naurod, Germany (1992) LNCS vol. 657
17th WG in Fischbachau, Germany (1991) LNCS vol. 570
16th WG in Berlin, Germany (1990) LNCS vol. 484
15th WG in Castle Rolduc, The Netherlands (1989) LNCS vol. 411
14th WG in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1988) LNCS vol. 344
13th WG in Kloster Banz/Staffelstein, Germany (1987) LNCS vol. 314
12th WG in Bernried, Germany (1986) LNCS vol. 246
11th WG in Castle Schwanberg, Germany (1985), ISBN 3-853-20357-4
10th WG in Berlin, Germany (1984), ISBN 3-853-20334-5
9th WG in Haus Ohrbeck, Germany (1983), ISBN 3-853-20311-6
8th WG in Neuenkirchen, Germany (1982), ISBN 3-446-13778-5
7th WG in Linz, Austria (1981), ISBN 3-446-13538-3
6th WG in Bad Honnef, Germany (1980) LNCS vol. 100
5th WG in Berlin, Germany (1979), ISBN 3-446-13135-3
4th WG in Castle Feuerstein, Germany (1978), ISBN 3-446-12748-3
3rd WG in Linz, Austria (1977), ISBN 3-446-12526-3
2nd WG in Göttingen, Germany (1976), ISBN 3-446-12330-4
1st WG in Berlin, Germany (1975), ISBN 3-446-12215-X