The program overview can be downloaded as .pdf file
The booklet of oral contributions can be downloaded as .pdf file or as .epub file
The list of posters can be downloaded as .pdf file
The booklet of posters contributions can be downloaded as .pdf file or as .epub file
Satellite meeting of the Swiss Bioinformatics Institute (SIB)
on “Analyzing Microbiomes” starting at 14h00 (see flyer)
8h15 – 8h50
8h50 – 9h00
Welcome address
9h00 – 9h45
Plenary Talk by Iain Couzin (room 002)
The geometry of decision making
9h45 – 10h45
Behaviour (room 002)
Population & Evolutionary Ecology (room G120)
10h45 – 11h15
Coffee break
11h15 – 12h30
Behaviour (room 002)
Community Ecology (room G120)
12h30 – 14h00
Lunch break
12h30-13h30 General assembly of the Swiss Zoological Society (Room G120)
14h00 – 14h45
Plenary Talk by Alexandra-Maria Klein (room 002)
Biodiversity and pollination services – 20 years of research
14h45 – 15h45
Biodiversity & Conservation (room 002)
Biotic Interaction (room G120)
15h45 – 16h15
Coffee break
16h15 – 17h30
Biodiversity & Conservation (room 002)
Biotic Interaction (room G120)
17h30 – 19h00
Poster session and aperitif
from 19h00
Darwin’s dinner followed by the Darwin’s party
Engineer school restaurant
Darwin’s talk by John Pannell
The Hothouse, the Sandwalk, and the Armchair
9h00 – 9h45
Plenary Talk by Claudia Bank (room 002)
Fitness landscapes and the predictability of evolution
9h45 – 10h45
Evolutionary Genetics & Genomic (room 002)
Phylogeny, Systematics & Macroevolution (room G120)
10h45 – 11h15
Coffee break
11h15 – 12h30
Evolutionary Genetics & Genomic (room 002)
Everything Sex (room G120)
12h30 – 14h00
Lunch break
14h00 – 14h45
Plenary Talk by Andrea Waeschenbach (room 002)
Macroevolutionary dynamics in Bryozoa
14h45 – 16h00
Evolutionary Genetics & Genomic (room 002)
Radiation & Speciation (room G120)
16h10 – 16h25
Closing ceremony