Thursday, May 16th

09:30 Welcome coffee
10:00 Opening address by Peter Meister & Boris Egger
Career Session (Chair: tba & tba)
10:15 Noemi Sgammeglia
Laboratory Manager University of Fribourg (FR)
10:30 Rahul Sharma
Team Leader Millya Biotechnology, Vienna
10:45 Stephanie Kueng
Senior Pricipal Scientist Pharma Research and Early Development (pRED) Hoffmann-La Roche Basel
11:00 Benjamin Towbin
Professor University of Bern
11:15 Panel discussion and question time
12:00 Lunch
14:00 Social programme
Group challenges (Alessandro Puoti, Nikita Komarov & friends)
17:00 Plenary lecture
Elisa Oricchio, ISREC EPFL
18:30 Welcome drink and dinner
20:30 Poster Session A

Friday, May 17th

08:30 Breakfast
09:30 Poster Session B
10:40 Benjamin Towbin
11:10 Cyrill Jäggi (De Virgilio Group)
11:30 Coffee Break
12:00 Magali Nanchen (Wicky Group)
12:20 William Smith (Meister Group)
12:40 Adrian Epuran (Albrecht Group)
13:00 Future directions and closing remarks by Peter Meister & Boris Egger
13:15 END
Sandwich Takeaway & Optional Hikingtrip
