Techniques of the Fantastic
Ninth annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung.
September 5th - 8th 2018 at the University of Freiburg/Fribourg (Switzerland).
From the 5th to the 8th of September 2018, the University of Fribourg will become the scientific and cultural center of the fantastic! Over four days, international scholars will question the relationship between technology and the fantastic from different perspectives, including from various narrative techniques, from media-comparative approaches or from a historico-cultural view. About 70 scientific contributions will be presented and framed by our keynote speakers Prof. Dr. Hans-Harald Müller (University of Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Richard Saint-Gelais (University of Laval / Québec), Prof. Dr. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner (University of Salzburg), Prof. Dr. Irène Langlet (University of Limoges) and John Howe (illustrator, „The Lord of the Rings“). In addition, the program will be accompanied by a special track Science fiction, which is organized by the Institute of Comparative Literature.
Organizing Committee: Sabine Haupt, Ralph Müller, Michel Viegnes, Sonja Klimek, Tobias Lambrecht